Library Board Meeting

Meeting Date

Next Regular Meeting: October 3, 2012


Library Meeting Room


MINUTES of the meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees beginning at 12:04 on September 12, 2012.


ROLL CALL: Trustees present: Barbara Reid, John Wilkinson, Jim Moran, Judy Wrigley, Austine Stitt, and Judi Harris as well as County Librarian Kathy Chandler. Also present: John Keleher and Jodi Smith.


PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment.


MINUTES: Austine Stitt made a motion that the minutes of the meeting on July 11, 2012, be approved as written. Jim Moran seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Austine Stitt made a motion that the minutes of the meeting on August 8, 2012, be approved as written. Jim Moran seconded the motion which passed unanimously.


LIBRARIAN’S REPORT: Kathy met with John Latch and the City Parks Department to discuss plans for the redesign of the Plaza. Next design meeting –September 18.


NEW BUSINESS: Jodi Smith, Pitkin County Facilities Manager reported on the physical condition of the library building. The boilers currently in the building are constructed of aluminum which has been damaged by the acidity level of the water in this area. Repairs have been made and the problem should be stabilized for now.


Two compressors in the chiller have been replaced and should be in working condition for a couple of years.


If the library expansion doesn’t happen, the roof will have to be replaced next year and an energy saving program will have to be addressed.


BUDGET: Kathy presented the proposed budget for 2013. John Wilkinson made a motion that the budget be approved. Austine Stitt seconded the motion which passed unanimously.



October 3—regular meeting

November 7—regular meeting

December 2—potluck dinner

ADJOURNMENT: On a motion by John Wilkinson and seconded by Austin Stitt, the board voted unanimously to adjourn at 1:40


Respectfully submitted,

Judi Harris, secretary




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Board_Minutes_October_3rd_2012.pdf 72.5 KB