Library Board Meeting

Meeting Date

Next Meeting: January 9, 2013


Library Meeting Room


MINUTES of the meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on

November 7, 2012.


ROLL CALL:  Trustees present: Jim Moran, Barbara Reid, Austine Stitt, John Wilkinson, and Barbara Smith. Judy Wrigley and Judi Harris were not present.  County Librarian Kathy Chandler attended as did John Keleher and Liz Frazier.  Bill Weiner joined the meeting to make a presentation.


MINUTES:  Jim Moran moved that the minutes of the October 3, 2012 meeting be approved.  Austine Stitt seconded the motion which carried unanimously.


PUBLIC COMMENT:  There was no public comment.


NEW BUSINESS:  Retired architect Bill Weiner addressed the Board about his work and offered to place a piece of his metal sculpture on the front lawn of the Library till August, 2013. The Board thanked him for his offer, expressed some concern about the Library’s  liability, and deferred a decision until the Fine Arts Committee of the Library Board could review the offer and make a recommendation.


Kathy requested that the Board members review her Job Evaluation form and return them to President Barbara Reid.



Library Expansion: The Board reviewed the defeat of the expansion issue on Election Day and analyzed some of the reasons for the negative votes.  Discussion followed about how to handle the Endowment Fund. John suggested inviting Tom Oken to the January meeting.


LIBRARIAN’S REPPORT:  there was none. 



January 9, 2013

February 13, 2013


LIBRARY POTLUCK:  Sunday, December 2, 630 p.m.


ADJOURNMENT:  On motion of Austine Stitt, seconded by Barbara Smith, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn.


Respectfully submitted,

Austine N. Stitt, 

Acting Secretary

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Board_Minutes_November_7th_2012.pdf 74.67 KB