Library Board Meeting

Meeting Date

Next Meeting: January 23, 2013

Library Meeting Room

MINUTES of the meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on January 9, 2013. Meeting was called to order at 12:04 pm.

ROLL CALL: Trustees present: Jim Moran, Barbara Reid, John Wilkinson, Barbara Smith, Judy Wrigley and Judi Harris.  Austine Stitt was not present. County Librarian Kathy Chandler was also present.

PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment.

LIBRARIAN’S REPORT: Kathy and Barbara Reid met with County Manager, Jon Peacock, to discuss the possibility of putting in supports during the construction of the parking garage roof.

OLD BUSINESS:  At the last board meeting Bill Weiner had offered to place artwork on the lawn of the library until August, 2013. County Attorney, John Ely, advised against placement of any artwork  that could pose an attractive nuisance.

EXECUTIVE SESSION:   John Wilkinson made a motion to go into executive session at 12:20. Motion was seconded by Judy Wrigley and passed unanimously.

At 1:05 Barbara Smith made a motion to go out of executive session.  Motion was seconded by Judy Wrigley and passed unanimously.


     January 23, 2013, noon—Special meeting

February 13, 2013, noon—regular meeting

February 20, 2013, from 10:00 to 12:00—Special meeting

     March 13, 2013, noon—regular meeting

ADJOURNMENT:  At 1:15 Jim Moran made a motion to adjourn. Barbara Smith seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Judi Harris



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