Library Board Minutes

Meeting Date

Next Meeting: September 21, 2016


Library Mezzanine Meeting Room

MINUTES of the meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on August 10, 2016.

The meeting was called to order at 12:05.

ROLL CALL: Trustees present: John Wilkinson, Barbara Smith, Barbara Reid, Judy Wrigley,

Austine Stitt, John Keleher and Judi Harris. Also present were County Librarian Kathy Chandler

and County Facilities Manager Jodi Smith.

PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Austine Stitt made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting

on July 13, 2016. Judy Wrigley seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

LIBRARIAN’S REPORT: Kathy Chandler reported that the fundraising goal has been reset to

$225,000. The reduced target is based on cost savings in the design of the building that changed

the total cost from $14.8 million to $14.3 million.

OLD BUSINESS: Jodi Smith reported that the county now has a dashboard program to monitor

energy consumption in the library. This meets one of the requirements of CORE for their grant

to the library.

Jodi Smith is soliciting bids for repair of the pitched roof on the old portion of the building. Bids

will be due this week with completion of the project expected this fall.

The plumbing problems experienced during and after the opening have apparently been resolved

by unplugging a long section of pipe from the building to the main line.

A motion was made by John Keleher to build a fence that encircles the entire outdoor portion of

the children’s area. The motion was seconded by Judy Wrigley and passed with a dissenting

vote from John Wilkinson.

John Wilkinson made a motion for Kathy Chandler to have at least $400 at her discretion to

obtain a gift for Jodi Smith for her hard work on the addition and renovation of the library.

Austine Stitt seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Judy Wrigley made a motion to spend up to $2,000 for framing for up to 5 images in the library’s

art collection. Barbara Smith seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

The Board members agreed to donate $25 each to pay for wine for the Christmas party.


September 21, 2016

October 12, 2016

November 2, 2016


ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Barbara Smith and seconded by Judy Wrigley to

adjourn the meeting at 1:43. The motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Judi Harris
