Library Board Minutes

Meeting Date

Next Meeting: January 11, 2017


Catto-Shaw Meeting Room

MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on November

2, 2016.

ROLL CALL: Trustees present: John Keleher, Barbara Reid, Barbara Smith, Austine Stitt, John

Wilkinson and Judy Wrigley. Judi Harris was not present. County Librarian Kathy Chandler


PUBLIC COMMENT : There was no public comment.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Austine Stitt moved that the minutes be approved as submitted.

Judy Wrigley seconded. The motion carried unanimously.


CORE: Kathy thanked the Board members who had attended the CORE meeting in the

Community Room on October 25.

Films: Kathy reviewed the plans for Jon Busch’s film program as well as the equipment and

staffing involved.

Digitization Projects: Since Marmot is well along in its digitization project, Kathy will

communicate with the Aspen Musical Festival and School to determine their level of interest in

digitizing the recordings of their performances. Kathy will also reach out to the Aspen Historical



Budget: The Board reviewed in depth the 5 year Library budget projection from the County for

the Library. The Board also revisited the total building costs for the expansion and renovation as

well as the various sources of income.

Meeting Room Policy: The Board gave a second reading to proposed changes. Austine Stitt

seconded a motion to approve the changes. Judy Wrigley seconded the motion which passed

with no dissent.


Employee of the Year: Barbara Reid suggested that the Board nominate Jodi Smith. After

discussion, she moved the Library Board issue a proclamation that Jodi be nominated. Barbara

Smith seconded the motion which passed unanimously.



January 11

February 8

March 8

ADJOURNMENT: On Motion of Barbara Smith, seconded by Judy Wrigley, the Board voted

unanimously to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,

Austine N. Stitt,

Acting Secretary