Library Board Minutes

Meeting Date

Next Meeting: October 11, 2017


Library Hot Picks Room

MINUTES of the meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on September 13, 2017.  The meeting was called to order at 12:05

ROLL CALL:  Trustees Present:  John Keleher, Barbara Smith, and John Wilkinson, with Judi Harris joining the meeting in progress, and John Keleher leaving after the vote on the 2018 budget.  David Bentley, alternate, was present and served as a voting member in the absence of Austine Stitt, Judy Wrigley, and Barbara Reid.  Alternate Elizabeth Nix was unable to attend.  County Librarian Kathy Chandler was present.

PUBLIC COMMENT:  There was no public comment.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Barbara Smith made a motion to approve the Minutes of the August 9, 2017, Board Meeting.  John Keleher seconded the motion which passed.


John Keleher reported that he, Jodi Smith, four roofing consultants, and five staff members from Pacific Sheet Metal all met to inspect the roof two weeks ago, and John feels confident that necessary repairs are well in hand and that a final inspection will make certain that the warranty will be honored.

The Board reviewed the 2018 library budget proposal, and it was approved following a motion made by John Keleher and seconded by Barbara Smith.  The budget included funding to have the County Facilities Department employ staff to perform library cleaning services that have been contracted for over nearly the past decade.  Trustees stipulated that building security must be of the utmost importance to the people hired to do this work.  

As Greg Poschman, a Pitkin County Commissioner, has expressed interest in having the library consider adding a work of art to the main area of the library, John Wilkinson asked Barbara Smith to reconvene the library art committee.

Kathy Chandler suggested that the library pay fees needed for Jon Busch to rent or puchase DVDs for a winter film series produced by Jon Busch so that the enterprise might be made more appealing to Jon in order that he will continue the series.  She suggested that the series be "sponsored in part by Friends of the Library."  The Board agreed to this suggestion.

Jennifer Hearn informed the Board about her job duties at the library, and spoke of many of the programs which she has helped develop during her tenure:  after school Wednesdays, Wednesdays on the Mountain, etc.  The Board congratulated her on the great success created by her planning and work to make the August 21st eclipse such a success with more than 1,500 coming to the plaza in back of the library to view the natural phenomenon.


October 11, 2017

November 8, 2017

December 3, 2017  Library Volunteers' Hors d'oeuvre and Dessert Potluck  6:30

ADJOURNMENT:  Barbara Smith made a motion to adjourn at 1:10.  The motion was seconded by Judi Harris and passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Judi Harris 
