Library Board Minutes

Meeting Date

Next Meeting:  April 4, 2018


Library Hot Picks Room

MINUTES of the meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on March 14, 2018.  The meeting was called to order at 12:06 p.m.

ROLL CALL:  Trustees present:  Judy Wrigley, Barbara Smith, John Keleher, Barbara Reid, John Wilkinson, Austine Stitt, Judi Harris and alternate Board members  Elizabeth Nix and David Bentley. Also attending were County Librarian Kathy Chandler and staff member Kelly Benninger.

PUBLIC COMMENT:  There was no public comment,

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Austine Stitt made a motion to approve the Minutes of the meeting on February 14, 2018.  Barbara Smith seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

TRUSTEE COMMENTS:  Judy Wrigley asked about the status of the second bench for the front of the Library.  Kathy reported that it would be installed in the spring.

LIBRARIAN’S REPORT AND NEW BUSINESS:  Kathy reported that she compared the electric and natural gas bills for the library building in 2017 with those from 2014 (the last full year the building was occupied before the 2015 and 2016 move to the Old Power House).  Although the size of the building increased by 2,198 sq. ft. (a 23% increase), the electric bill went down 23% and the gas bill went down 41%.

OLD BUSINESS:  Kelly Benninger, computer specialist, was the featured staff member for this month.  Kelly is responsible for managing the library’s tech lab. Her duties include maintaining the equipment, evaluating policies and rules, training patrons on audio visual and lab equipment and writing instructional guides for the equipment.  When asked about the lab’s biggest asset, Kelly said that although it is very maintenance heavy, the 3D printer generates a lot of interest and is probably the lab’s biggest asset.


    April 4, 2018

    May 2, 2018

    June 6, 2018

ADJOURNMENT:  Austine Stitt made a motion to adjourn at 12:57.  The motion was seconded by Judy Wrigley and passed unanimously.  

Respectfully submitted,

Judi Harris, Secretary