Library Board Minutes

Meeting Date

Next Meeting: May 2, 2018


Library Hot Picks Room

MINUTES of the meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on April 4, 2018.  The meeting was called to order at 12:05 p.m.

ROLL CALL:  Trustees present:  John Wilkinson, Judy Wrigley, Barbara Smith, Judi Harris, Austine Stitt and alternate member, David Bentley.  Trustees Barbara Reid and John Keleher and alternate Elizabeth Nix were absent. Also attending were County Librarian Kathy Chandler and staff member Karen Haywood.

PUBLIC COMMENT:  There was no public comment.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Austine Stitt made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting on March 14, 2018.  The motion was seconded by Judy Wrigley and passed unanimously.

TRUSTEE COMMENTS:  Austine commented that the bridge club appreciated being able to use the Dunaway Meeting Room and that they were very happy with the arrangement.

LIBRARIAN’S REPORT AND NEW BUSINESS:  Kathy made a report to the Board of County Commissioners on the savings that the Library has realized on electric and natural gas bills during the first year of operation of the new building.  She also presented to the BOCC a succession plan since she anticipates a turnover of several staff members within the next 6 years. She has interviewed people and has possible hires to replace the 3 staff member that are resigning immediately.

OLD BUSINESS:  Karen Haywood, computer specialist at the Library, has a background in accounting and technology.  She has worked at Pitkin County Library for 19 years and is the coordinator with Marmot for all the computers.  Karen was in charge of moving and replacing all of the computers with the move to the Power House and then back to the new building.  She also works in the technical services area processing new books and materials applying cataloging records, bar codes and RFID tags and getting the materials ready for circulation.  Through the years Karen has “worn many hats” in the Library and will be missed in her retirement.


May 2, 2018

June 6, 2018

July 11, 2018

August 8, 2018

ADJOURNMENT:  Judy Wrigley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 1:06.  The motion was seconded by Barbara Smith and passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Judi Harris, Secretary