Board Minutes

Meeting Date

Next Meeting: March 10, 2021

11:30 a.m.


Amended MINUTES of the regular meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on

February 10, 2021. The meeting was called to order at 12:06 p.m.

ROLL CALL:  Trustees present: John Wilkinson and Austine Stitt.  Also attending were Kathy

Chandler and Jordan Bacheldor. Trustees Judi Harris, Barbara Reid, Judy Wrigley, John Keleher

and alternate Elizabeth Nix attended via Zoom along with library staff member Shannon Foster.

Trustee Barbara Smith was unable to attend.

PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Judi Harris and seconded by Barbara Reid

to approve the Minutes of the meeting on January 13, 2021. The motion was passed


TRUSTEE COMMENTS:  John Wilkinson mentioned that the CAL Advocacy meeting  is

pulling back on some of its activities due to the pandemic. 

OLD BUSINESS: Kathy Chandler shared that Connie Baker from the Pitkin County Finance

Department said that the Library is doing well financially. Kathy will inquire if Connie can meet

with us at the March meeting at 11:30 to discuss our ability to proceed on some projects. Three

ideas are 1.) see if the MAA is interested in our providing access through our catalog to their

archival performance recordings that would be available to the MAA staff and students;

2.) digitize the local papers to add to the Colorado Historic Newspapers collection; and 3.) look

into possibilities for an increased library presence in Snowmass Village.

Kathy discussed COVID: Phased Library Service Levels. We are currently in Orange as of a

very recent change. At the last Board meeting it was decided to stay in a level for 3 weeks before

changing to a lower level. After discussing this with staff, Kathy suggested that we stay in a level

for 2 weeks before proceeding to a lower level. The only difference between the Red and Orange

levels is the number of staff required. It is hoped that the County will soon move to the Yellow

Level. The main change to Yellow would be allowing time restricted computer use in the

Dunaway Lab. John Wilkinson suggested that the Library include information about the

Library’s resources, including the ability to check out Chromebooks from the lab, in our ads in

the local papers. This could be of special interest for people working on taxes. Don Davidson has

graciously offered once again to those who request his help in preparing tax returns. 

A motion was made by Austine Stitt and seconded by Judy Wrigley to approve on Second

Reading a Proposed Policy Revision for the Collection Development Policy. The motion was

passed unanimously.

NEW BUSINESS: A nominating committee to appoint new Officers consisting of Austine Stitt

and Judy Wrigley was formed. The proposed slate is President, John Wilkinson; Vice President,

Austine Stitt, Treasurer Barbara Reid, and Judy Wrigley Secretary. A motion to approve this

slate of officers was made by Austine Stitt and seconded by Judy Wrigley. The motion was

passed unanimously. 

Judi Harris asked Kathy if she is satisfied with the current number of staff. She answered

affirmatively. Kathy also mentioned her desire to help staff members further their education.

Staff member Shannon Foster is the Co-Chair of Conference Programs for the Colorado

Association of Libraries. She explained that this committee is very interested in asking Trustees

in Colorado to get more involved in programming. She also shared that there will be a

meeting September 9-11 in Westminster which Trustees may wish to attend in person or



March 10 June 9

April 14 July 14

May 12 August 11

ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Judy Wrigley and seconded by Barbara Reid to

adjourn the meeting at 12:43 p.m.


Judy Wrigley
