Board Minutes

Meeting Date

Next Meeting: June 9, 2021


Bill Dunaway Community Room

MINUTES of the regular meeting of the PItkin County Library Board of Trustees on May 12,

2021. The meeting was called to order at 12:07 p.m.

ROLL CALL:  Trustees present: John Wilkinson, Barbara Smith, Austine Stitt, and Judy

Wrigley. Trustees Judi Harris and Elizabeth Nix attended via Zoom.  Also attending were Kathy

Chandler, Martha Durgy, and Jeffrey Bradley. 

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Judy Wrigley and seconded by Barbara

Smith to approve the Minutes of the Meeting on April 14, 2021.. The motion was passed


PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment.

TRUSTEE COMMENTS: Austine Stitt queried about the need to have an alternate Trustee. The

Board decided to discuss this next spring. Jon Busch’s film program will resume at some point.

John Wilkinson asked about the summer children’s programs. To begin the summer, the summer

reading program will begin on-line, but as COVID restrictions are loosened, in person

programing will depend on the number of interested participants. There will be information

booths at several Saturday markets.

OLD BUSINESS: After discussion a motion was made by Austine Stitt and seconded by Judy

Wrigley to approve the Second Reading of the Proposed Policy Revision of Library hours. The

new hours will be: 9--7 Monday--Thursday; 9--6 Friday and Saturday; and noon--5 Sunday. This

will go into effect May 24, 2021. 

Kathy Chandler reviewed two library closures--one due to lack of electricity on October 26 and a

staff training day on April 28th to prepare the library building for reopening to the public. The

library did stay open December 26--30 in spite of the city wide gas outage. KUDOS to the staff!

Due to the ever-changing COVID dial the Library will remain in the Blue level for two weeks

and then follow the Phased Service Level guidelines when we enter the Green level. At that point

one-half of the furniture will be placed back in use. All meeting rooms will be open to one-half

capacity. Children will be encouraged to read in outside areas. 

Kathy met with Alan Fletcher to discuss the digitalization of Music Festival programs and asked

him to inform his Board of the project. It will cost the library approximately $50,000 plus a

$15,000 yearly cost. 

Kathy intends to further research the digitalization project for the Aspen Times and Aspen Daily


NEW BUSINESS: Kathy is investigating the feasibility of having the Pitkin County Library

once again host the annual Colorado Public Library Directors’ Meeting May 31 and June 1,


Jordan Bacheldor has resigned to work in a family business. TJ Kaiser and Canace Finley will

begin work Sunday. 

Kathy informed the Board of some reassignments of personnel along with changes in job

descriptions. Genevieve is the Assistant Director, Molly Ireland is now responsible for fiction,

Sharon Foster for the lab and teens, and JB for nonfiction. JB is now a Managerial Librarians

along with Nathalie Crick and Martha Durgy. All staff members are now back to working in the


JB (Jeffrey Bradley) informed the Board of his many responsibilities. He explained the criterion

he uses for selecting and weeding out items in the nonfiction collection. He also is in charge of

the non-fiction book club and the purchasing of DVD’s. 


 June 9            October 13

July 14 November 10

August 11 December 5     Holiday Party

September 8   

ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Judy Wrigley and seconded by Barbara Smith to

adjourn the meeting at 1:43 p.m.


Judy Wrigley
