Board Minutes

Meeting Date

Next Meeting: July 14, 2021


Library Hot Picks Meeting Room

MINUTES of the regular meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on June 9,

2021. The meeting was called to order at 12:08 p.m.

ROLL CALL:  Trustees present: John Wilkinson, Barbara Smith, Austine Stitt, Judi Harris,

Elizabeth Nix and Judy Wrigley. Trustee Barbara Reid was absent. Also attending were Kathy

Chandler, Genevieve Smith, and Mike Tunte.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Austine Stitt and seconded by Judi Harris

to approve the Minutes of the Meeting on May 12, 2021. The motion was passed unanimously.

PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment.

TRUSTEE COMMENTS: Judy Wrigley commented on how helpful Genevieve Smith and Sierra

Fransen have been answering questions and helping with tech issues.             

OLD BUSINESS: Kathy summarized the ongoing recent changes that the City and County have

enacted regarding the wearing of masks in public places. As of today library staff at public

service points will wear masks. In addition, there will be a sign posted stating that the wearing of

masks will be appreciated. Also, at the beginning of children’s programs the librarian will say

that the wearing of masks will be appreciated along with appropriate social distancing. This will

most likely continue through the summer reading program. 

Mike Tunte, City of Aspen Landscape Architect, reviewed the process of the City of Aspen’s

Revision of the Plaza over the past two years, revisited the current design, and answered

questions and concerns about the placement of a planter between the Library’s patio and Plaza. It

was agreed that Kathy Chandler will draft a Memo to be sent to the Park Department after

review by the Trustees stating the Library’s position i.e. that before Phase 2 of the project begins,

the Trustees can decide whether or not they want to proceed with a planter separating the patio

from the rest of the Plaza. At this point the Board would like to have the option. Although Mike

is in favor of the separation provided by a planter, he agrees the Board should have the option of

how to proceed. 

NEW BUSINESS: A move was made by Judy Wrigley and seconded by Judi Harris to discuss

the First Reading of Proposed Policy Revision Governing Use of Small Meeting Rooms. 

Genevieve Smith explained the new wording. The motion was carried unanimously. 

Kathy presented a memo sent from Connie Baker showing the Library Fund Balance. Funds will

be used to pay for new gas powered boilers. She also suggested that funds might be used for the

following projects: library presence in Snowmass Village, the digitalization of Aspen

newspapers, and employee housing. This will be up for further discussion in the future. 


July 14          October 1

August 11 November 10

September 8   December 5  Holiday Potluck

ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Judy Wrigley and seconded by Barbara Smith to

adjourn the meeting at 1:50 p.m.


Judy Wrigley
