Board Minutes

Meeting Date

Next Meeting: July 8, 2020


Library Mezzanine

MINUTES of the regular meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on June 10,


The meeting was called to order at 12:05 p.m.

ROLL CALL: Trustees present: Barbara Smith, Austine Stitt, Judy Wrigley, and John

Wilkinson. John Keleher and Barbara Reid attended via Zoom. Also attending were County

Librarian Kathy Chandler and Library staff member Jordan Bacheldor. Trustee not present: Judi


PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Judy Wrigley moved to approve the minutes of the March 11, 2020

meeting. Barbara Smith seconded her motion which passed unanimously.

TRUSTEE COMMENTS: Barbara Smith and John WIkinson commented on how well the

current checking out of materials is proceeding in spite of the closure of the Library to the

general public.

OLD BUSINESS: Austine Stitt moved to approve the second reading of the motion regarding the

elimination of library fines and was seconded by Barbara Smith. The motion passed


LIBRARIAN’S REPORT: A proposed change to the ByLaws under Article III Meetings,

Sections 6 and 7 relating to attendance and voting by Library Board Members was made. After a

discussion of the current Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on otherwise normal daily activities

the following motion was presented: “In the event of a crisis that makes it difficult or impossible

for some Trustees or Alternates to attend a Board meeting in person, if it is feasible to participate

in the meeting by telephone or over the internet, then those members will be allowed to join the

meeting remotely to help constitute a quorum and to vote on issues.” Barbara Smith moved to

approve this motion. Austine Stitt seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Austine Stitt and seconded by Barbara Smith to approve the temporary

change of the posting place for the announcement of Board meetings to the front window of the

library instead of the front display case. The motion was passed unanimously.

Kathy Chandler reviewed how the Library Staff has supported the County by making phone calls

regarding economic assistance as well as with other issues related to the crisis. Kathy reported

that no staff has been furloughed during the pandemic crisis.

NEW BUSINESS: Kathy Chandler discussed the upcoming opening up of the Community Room

to the public for computer use. Covid-19 protocol will be observed. An announcement with

details will be published very soon on the Library’s website. Furthermore, Kathy Chandler and

John Wilkinson will be studying “best practices” for the eventual opening up of the remainder of

the Library to patrons.


August 12

September 9

October 14

November 11

December 6 Holiday Potluck

ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Austine Stitt and seconded by Judy Wrigley to

adjourn the meeting at 1:19 p.m.