Board Minutes

Meeting Date

Next Meeting: September 14, 2022


William R. Dunaway Community Room

MINUTES of the regular meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on August 10,

2022. The meeting was called to order at 12:05 PM.

ROLL CALL: Trustees present: John Wilkinson, Ashley Connolly, Barbara Reid, Barbara

Smith, Austine Stitt, Elizabeth Nix, Elizabeth Stewart-Severy, Anna Scott. Staff members Kathy

Chandler, Genevieve Smith. Potential board member Audrey Ellis attended as well.


TRUSTEE COMMENTS: John Wilkinson reported on occurrence at the Basalt Library of a

patron checking out and keeping out of distribution a large number of the Pride month books.

Librarians reported that has not been an issue in Aspen.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Austine Stitt moved to approve the meeting Minutes of July 13,

2022. Elizabeth Nix seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

LIBRARIAN’S REPORT: Security cameras: Kathy gave the go ahead to Jodi Smith to proceed

with purchase and installation of security cameras. Trustees reviewed extensive written

Librarian’s reports from July 12 and August 8.

OLD BUSINESS: Snowmass Village Library Station: Trustees discussed the latest updates on

Snowmass Village Station and reviewed a survey prepared for SV residents. John Wilkinson

and Elizabeth Steward-Severy will convene in a sub-committee to work on moving forward with

this endeavor. Kathy will also look into hiring David Detwiler, project manager, to help get the

process rolling.


First reading of policy revisions for Reconsideration of Materials: Trustees reviewed the first

draft of policy revisions and made several minor changes to the document. After a thorough

review, Anna Scott motioned to approve the first reading of the draft policy, Elizabeth Nix

seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

Trustees reviewed the first draft of the library budget. Kathy noted that this isn’t accurate until

we know what the library property tax money will be. Austine Stitt motioned to approve the first

reading of the budget. Barbara Smith seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

FUTURE MEETING DATES: Sept. 14, Oct 12, Nov. 9, Holiday volunteer potluck December 4.

ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made at 1:15 to adjourn the meeting and passed



Ashley Connolly
