Board Minutes

Meeting Date

Next meeting: September 9, 2020


Library Mezzanine

MINUTES of the regular meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on August 12,

2020. The meeting was called to order at 12:08 p.m.

ROLL CALL: Trustees present: Barbara Smith, Austine Stitt, Judy Wrigley, Judi Harris, and

John Wilkinson. John Keleher, Barbara Reid, and Alternate Elizabeth Nix attended via Zoom.

Also attending were County Librarian Kathy Chandler and library staff members Jordan

Bacheldor, Charlie Blackmer, Martha Durgy, Genevieve Smith, Nathan Child, Nathalie Crick,

and Susan Keenan.

PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Austine Stitt moved to approve the minutes of the July 8, 2020

meeting. Barbara Smith seconded her motion which passed unanimously.

TRUSTEE COMMENTS: Judy Wrigley commented on how well the current checking out of

materials is proceeding in spite of the closure of the Library to the general public and

commended the staff for their hard work. She also commended Nathalie Crick for her fine job

heading the French Chat which is currently discussing movies viewed via Kanopy. 

OLD BUSINESS:  Genevieve Smith presented the Phase 4 Staff Protocols, and a lively

discussion ensued about the reopening of the library building for browsing collections by

appointment. A motion was made by John Wilkinson to support this document regarding the

reopening of the Library at a time and date deemed appropriate by the County Librarian. Judy

Wrigley seconded the motion. All trustees voted in favor of the motion with the exception of

John Keleher. Kathy Chandler will forward the Phase 4 Staff Protocols to the Pitkin County

Board of Health for their input and approval.

LIBRARIAN’S REPORT: Kathy reported that our Library has received a grant of $10,000 from

the Colorado State Library to be used for the purchase of eBooks from Overdrive. Also, Most of

the doors in the building have been retrofitted with locks that can be opened with properly

programmed County ID badges. Also, a plaque has been installed for the bench in the library’s

front lawn dedicated to the memory of former County Librarian Renate Braun and her daughter,

and former staff member Sigrid Stapleton. It was donated by Renate Weimann and one of her

daughters. Finally, new signs will be installed soon to renumber floors in the building so they

match the display in the elevators.

NEW BUSINESS:  Kathy Chandler presented a Review Draft of the 2021 Budget to be

discussed further at the next Board meeting.


September 9

October 14

November 11

December 6  Holiday Potluck

ADJOURNMENT:  A motion was made by Judi Harris and seconded by Barbara Smith to

adjourn the meeting at 1:22 p.m.


Judy Wrigley
