Board Minutes

Meeting Date

Next Meeting: October 13, 2021 Noon

Community Room

MINUTES of a meeting of the PItkin County Library Board of Trustees on September 8, 2021.

The meeting was called to order at 12:03 p.m. in the Bill Dunaway Community Meeting Room.

ROLL CALL:  Trustees present: John Wilkinson, Judi Harris, Elizabeth Nix, Barbara Reid, . 

Barbara Smith, Austine Stitt, and Judy Wrigley. Also attending were Kathy Chandler and

Genevieve Smith. Attending using Zoom was Jodi Smith, Director of Pitkin County Facilities.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Austine Stitt and seconded by Judi Harris

to approve the Minutes of the Meeting on August 11, 2021. The motion was passed

unanimously. A second motion was made by Judi Harris and seconded by Barbara Smith to

approve the Minutes of the Meeting on August 30, 2021. The motion was passed unanimously.

PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment.

TRUSTEE COMMENTS: Judi Harris has tendered her resignation because she will be moving

to Mississippi with her husband. The Library Board expressed its heartfelt thanks for her many

years of valued service and contributions. 

OLD BUSINESS: Jodi Smith gave a detailed update about the changing position of the Board of

County Commissioners regarding the library’s boilers which need to be replaced. Briefly stated,

the end result was that the BOCC, after first approving Jodi’s request, reversed their position and

did not approve Jodie’s request to replace the boilers with new gas ones. They are in favor of the

much more expensive electric boilers (approx. $1,500,000 vs $300.000). According to Jodie, this

is not an option for several reasons. In addition to the huge difference in cost, there is no room in

the Library facility to house them; nor is there room to house a back-up generator. Jodie stated

that “we can probably limp along for about 5 years.” Jodi will be doing additional research that

will include the use of solar panels. Zach Hendrix who heads the Climate Action Plan is doing an

audit to look at all equipment in the entire county to form a report. Jodi will keep us informed

before either report goes to the BOCC. John Wilkinson requested that in the future anything

going before the BOCC be given in memo form to the Library Board to inform us and allow for


Kathy Chandler will ask Martha Durgy to contact her equivalent in the City to conduct

coordination of future events in Galena Plaza with the Library.

The obligatory use of masks in the Library for everyone over the age of 2 was reconfirmed with

John Ely. 

Judy Wrigley suggested we postpone discussion of the Library’s investments with Chandler

Asset Management Company to a future meeting. 

Kathy reviewed the costs for the servers needed for the archiving of the Music Festival

recordings and submitted the proposal made by the Marmot Library Network for


LIBRARIAN’S REPORT:  Kathy reported on her most recent conversation with Snowmass

Village Town Manager Clint KInney regarding the square footage planned for expansion of the

Snowmass Village Rec Center. She also informed him that the Library will be hiring a consultant

to help with community outreach and a feasibility study next spring. It appears that the Library

cannot plan on using the entire 6,000 square feet. Barbara Smith, Barbara Reid, and Judy

Wrigley suggested we get something in writing stating our mutual desire to investigate the

creation of a branch library in Snowmass Village. Kathy asked John Wilkinson to consult Clint

Kinney about creating a draft of the above. 

Pitkin County attorney John Ely gave an opinion to Kathy stating that the Library does not have

the right to spend its money on employee housing. 



October 13

November 17

December 5  Holiday Potluck

ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Judi Harris and seconded by Barbara Smith to

adjourn the meeting at 1:30 p.m.


Judy Wrigley
