Board Minutes

Meeting Date

Next meeting: November 17, 2021 Noon

Dunaway Community Room

MINUTES of the regular meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on October 12,

2021. The meeting was called to order at 12:10 p.m.

ROLL CALL: Trustees present: Barbara Smith, Elizabeth Nix, Judy Wrigley, John Wilkinson,

and Austine Stitt.  Also attending were County Librarian Kathy Chandler and Library staff

member TJ Kaiser. Trustee Barbara Reid was absent.

PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Austine Stitt moved to approve the Minutes of the September 8,

2021 meeting. Barbara Smith seconded her motion which passed unanimously.

TRUSTEE COMMENTS: John Wilkinson asked Kathy if she had received a draft proposal from

Snowmass Town Manager Clint Kinney regarding the Library’s interest in using space at the

Snowmass Village Rec Center for a Library facility. She replied no but will contact him again. 

LIBRARIAN’S REPORT: Kathy reported that she has contacted Ashley Connolly, Erin

Cummins, and Elizabeth Stewart-Severy to see if they are interested in serving on the Library

Board. It is now in the hands of the County Commissioners.

Kathy discussed some of the ongoing programming--ie, Monday movie nights online, TJ’s open

mic comedy, Genevieve Smith’s talk about library literacies, and  Nathalie Crick’s online

monthly French film club.

Kathy is also busy reviewing old Board Minutes as part of the lengthy process of reviewing the

Library’s By-Laws and Policies. Genevieve Smith and Nathalie Crick will help with the process.

John Wilkinson asked for the Bylaws to be reviewed by the State Library. 

OLD BUSINESS: The Board discussed the 2022 Budget Proposal. A motion was made by

Austine Stitt and seconded by Judy Wrigley that the budget be approved on second reading.  The

Board agreed that Kathy should include monies in the capital replacement schedule to cover the

Library’s anticipation of large expenditures for future replacement of floor coverings and

possibly furniture as well as monies necessary for the Snowmass facility. 

NEW BUSINESS: Kathy introduced TJ Kaiser, a new addition to the Library’s technical staff

five months ago. He is a native Aspenite and is working with Jon Busch and Jeremiah Hines

from the Grand Junction firm AV Experts. They are investigating improvements to the existing

sound system in the Dunaway Room. They are currently obtaining proposals and bids to improve

the surround sound. This involves adding speakers, switchers, and a new projection unit. John

Wilkinson requested that TJ also investigate the Dolby Atmos sound technology. John will join

this committee. The Board is interested in restarting Jon Busch’s movie series. 

An ongoing issue is that patrons are leaving the projector on when they leave the room which

adversely affects the quality of the projector. It was suggested that a timer be provided to turn it


A discussion ensued regarding how the Library’s monies are being invested. The trustees present

are interested in a more aggressive strategy. Kathy plans on speaking with Ann Driggers about

possibly inviting Wally Obermeyer to speak to the Board at the next Board meeting. 

The feasibility of holding the December Holiday Potluck will be discussed at the November

meeting because of Covid-19 concerns.


November 17 March 9

December 5   Potluck April 13

January 12 May 11

February 9 June 8

ADJOURNMENT:  A motion was made by Judy Wrigley and seconded by Barbara Smith to

adjourn the meeting at 1:30 p.m. The motion was approved unanimously.


Judy Wrigley    
