Books + Brews

#GetLit with Books + Brews! This book club is for lit-lovers 21 and older who get thirsty from reading. Reading does not have to be a solitary experience, join us as we gather to discuss classics or contemporary picks and socially engage with literature and current events.

Meetings take place monthly on Wednesdays at 5:30 pm in the Dunaway Community Room. Books provided by the Library, brews provided by you! Please email for more information.

Library Board Minutes

MINUTES of the regular meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on April 3, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 12:01 PM in the William R. Dunaway Community Room.


Introductions were made so a new alternate, Chris Keleher, could get to know the rest of the board.

Trustees Present:

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