Library Board Minutes for February 14, 2024

Meeting Date

MINUTES of the regular meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on February 14, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 12:00 PM in the William R. Dunaway Community Room.


Trustees Present:

  • Pres. John Wilkinson (JW) 
  • V.P. Elizabeth Nix (EN) 
  • Tres. Barbara Reid (BR)
  • Sec. Anna Lookabill Scott (ALS) 
  • Ashley Connolly (AC)
  • Elizabeth Stewart-Severy (ES-S) 


  • Heather Kendrick (HK)- Member of public


  • Genevieve Smith (GS), PC Librarian


Moved by Ashley Connolly  2nd by  Elizabeth Nix

Passed by Board


  • None


Trustee Comments- 

  • Barbara Reid commented on the new music newsletter recently sent out and all the exciting new things going on in the department. Genevieve let the board know this will be a regular newsletter that patrons can opt into.
  • John Wilkinson reported that he was contacted by the State Librarian and asked to represent Colorado / Western Slope in Congress on his trip to Washington, D.C.

Librarian’s Report- 

  • Genvieve went over the Library History Timeline with the Board- Anna asked if this was something, with some edits, that should be on the Library Website. Anna also volunteered to provide some images to go along with the timeline.
  • Colorado PLB- handout included with Board packet to read about our roles as board members within the Library community as well as Pitkin County Board members.
  • Genevieve also discussed the recent ransomware attacks affecting other libraries. She followed up with our system and we have several fail-safe mechanisms in place to protect our system and computers including back-ups and Deep Freezes for public computers. She also discussed the training staff goes through to prevent phishing.
  • State Reconsideration Bill, SB-24-049- Genevieve informed the Board of the current Bill up for consideration. There are some questions and clarifications Librarians and Representatives are asking for, but is mostly supported by Librarians. Will keep Board posted about any changes or progress.


  • Library Director’s Performance Review- John and County met in December to go over Genevieve’s Review and created some goals for this next year- specifically to review, update and post online the Library Policies.
  • SMV- Genevieve met with the SMV Town Manager in January about moving forward with future services and space in the Rec. Center. The space would need to be flexible and staffed by Rec. Center staff rather than Library staff. The current status is to present a realistic budget and vision to the Town Counsel that includes a smaller scale space and get their feedback for moving forward.
  • Electrification Update- Consultant Peter Rumsy is hoping to get an RFP out by March to retro fit the Library- most likely occurring in the Spring of 2025. This may include adding electric boilers to the current system as a hybrid system and will be looking at a reduction in the snowmelt system as it currently stands- TBD.
  • Timeline- Presented to Board
  • Separation of Bylaws & Policies
    • Moved by Elizabeth Nix, 2nd by Elizabeth Stewart-Severy
    • Passed by Board
  • 2nd Reading Bylaws 
    • Moved by Ashley Connolly, 2nd by Elizabeth Nix
    • Passed by Board


  • First Reading, Public Participation in Meetings Policy
    • Moved by Anna Scott, 2nd by Elizabeth Nix
    • Passed by Board
  • Policy Revision Priorities, 2024- Genevieve presented to the Board a list of all the policies the Library currently has, any that are lacking, and the status of each policy (whether good as stands or needs updating). It was agreed upon that She would present 1-2 new policies and 1-2 revised policies at each meeting. If the docket is too long, they may be tabled until the following meeting. The Board is asked to read each policy presented prior to the meeting to keep meetings timely.


  • March 13, 2024; April 3, 2024 (Approved), May 8, 2024, June 12, 2024


Moved by Anna Scott, 2nd by Ashley Connolly