Library Lab

a mac computer with a photo printer and a scanner to the right of it in a green room
clear bags with red straps hung on a wall. the bags all have board games inside.
a mac computer on a desk with a keyboard and microphone to the left and headphones on the wall
clear bags with red handles on metal shelves by large windows. the bags all have crafts and robotic kits inside.
an unfinished puzzle on a table

What is the Library Lab?

The Library Lab is a makerspace located in the Pitkin County Library on the main level. What is a makerspace, you ask? It's simple! A makerspace is an intellectual space that fosters the ideals of creativity and collaboration by providing free access to tools, materials, resources, and workshops for the community. 

Users must have a library card to borrow items, reserve the Sound Booth, and attend trainings. Those interested in signing up for a library card can speak with a Librarian to start the free, five-minute process.

The makerspace is open to all ages 8+. If under 8 years of age, adult supervision is strongly encouraged. Computer usage is limited to patrons age 13+. 

Library Lab Offerings

3D Printer & Computer Skills Trainings

Photo Printing and Scanning

Sound Booth

S.T.E.A.M. Workshops

Makerspace Kits to Check Out

Digital Cameras to Check Out

Games to Check Out