Event Date and Time
Join ACES and the Pitkin County Library for adventure stories from members of our community and be inspired for your next adventure.
This week's discussion: Seeing All the Cats with Chris Daniels.
Chris is on a quest to see all of the world’s cat species in the wild. His presentation will discuss the cats, progress towards the goal, and conservation stories from the people he’s met and places he’s been.
Chris is a wildlife enthusiast from Snowmass Village. He spends his time enjoying our mountains, leads birding field trips for Roaring Fork Audubon, and travels often so see wildlife around the world.
Event Location
Dunaway Community Meeting Room
Event Contact
Raychl Keeling, 970-925-5756
Bradley Peate, bradley.peate@pitkincounty.com or 970-429-1941.