Living with Wolves Discussion

Event Date and Time

Pitkin County Open Space and Trails and the Aspen Center for Environmental Studies will co-host the public session. C.P.W. staff will present information to the public in an effort to help the community to prepare for the eventual arrival of wolves on the local landscape. 

An initial release of 10 wolves took place in December 2023 in Grand County as part of a voter-approved reintroduction effort. A second release, of up to 15 gray wolves from British Columbia, is expected to occur between January and March of 2025. CPW has identified Pitkin, Eagle and Garfield counties as places under consideration for the next release.

Topics will include:

  • How to recreate responsibly and safely, and how to protect dogs in an environment that includes wolves.
  • Wolf biology and wolves in Colorado.
  • The latest information about reintroduction efforts on the Western Slope.
Event Location
Dunaway Community Meeting Room
Event Contact

Contact Madison Ledford at 970-429-1922 or