Connect While You Create
Art at the Library consists of art and crafting events such as painting, printmaking, and making your own tea bags. We encourage people to learn by doing and hope to provide an open and safe environment for participants to try new things!
Open to both teens and adults. Most events include snacks and tea.
Upcoming Art at the Library Events
Crafting at the Library
Join us for a rotating monthly craft program on the 1st Saturday of the month. The activity will be different each month, so stop by, explore, play, and learn new skills! While supplies last.
In the Library Lab.
Paper Flowers | Saturday, February 1 | 3:00pm-5:00pm
Paint Like Bob Ross
Join us for evenings of painting! We will watch one of Bob Ross' The Joy of Painting videos each evening and attempt to follow along with the instructions. We will use acrylics and a smaller canvas so you can take it home at the end of the event. Snacks and tea will be served. For teens and adults. Event takes place in the Dunaway Community Room.
These Thursday events are not classes; we encourage people to learn through trial and error and use our resources to guide them.
New dates are coming soon!
Library Lab Events
The Library Lab hosts several crafting and art events. 3D Printer Training and sewing workshops are also offered throughout the year.