Patron Behavior Policy

The Pitkin County Library (Library) strives to provide a safe, secure, and comfortable environment for all Library users. The Library supports free and equal access to library services while reserving the right to enforce reasonable rules and guidelines as part of our effort to provide a secure and safe environment. The Library reserves the right to remove any person and restrict library privileges of any person whose conduct is deemed by Library staff to violate this Patron Behavior Policy. Recurring offenses may elevate the penalty. Pitkin County Library expects all patrons to abide by all Library Policies and all federal, state, and local laws while at the Library. Library staff may call local law enforcement and report suspected law violations.

Minor Misconduct

Minor misconduct may result in a verbal warning from Library staff and/or the patron being asked to leave for the day or longer. Violations of the following Library expectations are to be considered minor.

  • All Library users must wear a shirt and/or footwear.
  • The Library does not permit washing clothes, shaving, or bathing in restrooms.
  • No tobacco or electronic smoking devices may be used on Library premises.
  • No animals, other than service animals, are allowed, except as part of a library-sponsored program.
  • No littering is allowed on library property.
  • Obscene or vulgar language is not allowed on Library premises.
  • Patrons may not make loud or disruptive noises.
  • All property must be accompanied; patrons may not abandon property for any period of time.
  • No eating or drinking at Library computers, machinery, or in the Library Lab.
  • No panhandling, selling, or solicitation of any kind is allowed.
  • No sleeping on Library property.
  • Patrons are expected to follow basic personal hygiene. Neglect of personal hygiene that is offensive and constitutes a nuisance to others, damages library property, and/or poses a health, safety, or sanitary risk is not allowed.
  • No Library users are permitted to disrupt the normal flow of library operations or interfere with staff or others' use and enjoyment of the library.
  • No possession or use of alcohol on Library premises.
  • No marijuana use on library premises.
  • No distributing leaflets or posting notices that have not been authorized by Library staff.
  • No skateboarding, skating, or using similar devices inside the library.
  • No engaging in any activities inappropriate for a public library facility, including, but not limited to, running in the building, climbing on furniture, loud social interaction, extended conversations in an elevated tone, and/or the use of speakerphone or videoconferencing without headphones in shared public spaces.
  • No obtaining, possessing, transferring, or in any way using the identifying information of another without that person’s consent, including using another person’s library card to check out materials or to extend computer use beyond established time periods.
  • Patrons are expected to comply with staff requests regarding library behavior.

Serious Misconduct

The following forms of misconduct are deemed serious and may result in losing library privileges for a significant period of time, depending on the frequency and severity of the incident(s). Authorities will be notified as appropriate and necessary.

  • Escalation of any of the above behaviors that previously resulted in a short-term suspension will be considered serious misconduct.
  • Possession of illegal drugs or being under their influence is prohibited.
  • Library users may not utilize library computers to engage in illegal activities or to view sexually explicit or pornographic materials.
  • Users may not conceal library materials or property on library premises, commit theft, or otherwise attempt to convert library material to personal use.
  • No language, words, expressions, gestures, actions, or behaviors that are dangerous, intimidating, insulting, belligerent, hostile, loud, abusive, offensive, rude, vulgar, or demonstrate a lack of civility towards others, including hate speech.
  • The Library prohibits any form of unwanted touching or other contact or any behavior that is sexually inappropriate or offensive, including but not limited to lewd behavior, indecent exposure, or touching oneself or others inappropriately.
  • No harassing patrons or staff.
  • No destroying, damaging, defacing, or vandalizing library property on or off library premises or threatening to damage such property in any way.
  • No dispensing chemicals or toxic substances, including, but not limited to, mace, pepper spray, bear spray, stink bombs, fart spray, and tear gas.
  • The Library prohibits concealed weapons that are not legally licensed and permitted; users must not openly display a knife, firearm, or other object that could be used as a weapon.

The Library reserves the right to refuse access to library property and to press applicable charges against anyone who does not comply with the above expectations and refuses to cooperate with library personnel. Surveillance cameras facing each library exit record images of people leaving the building. In the event of an actual or alleged crime in or near the Library, the Library may allow a duly authorized law enforcement agent to review a surveillance camera recording upon approval of the County Librarian. The viewing will take place in the presence of the County Librarian or assignee. The custody of the video recording will remain with the Library until deemed appropriate by the Director or requested by court order.

Suspension Appeals Process

Patrons whose Library privileges have been suspended for over three months may appeal in writing to the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees. An appeal petition must be mailed to the Library Director at Pitkin County Library, 120 N. Mill St, Aspen, CO 81611, within 15 calendar days of the action date to ban the patron. The Library Board of Trustees will review the appeal within 30 calendar days of receiving the petition. The Board may uphold or overturn the decision or propose an alternative. The Board's decision is final, and the appeal may not be repeated.

This policy was last reviewed on September 11, 2024, by the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees.