Library Use Policy

The Pitkin County Library strives to provide a safe, secure, and comfortable environment for all library users.  The library supports free and equal access to library services while reserving the right to enforce reasonable rules and guidelines as part of its effort to provide a secure and safe environment.

In addition to all applicable federal, state, and local laws, the following are some examples of unacceptable behavior on library property:

  • Creation of any public disturbance, including:
  • Use of abusive, threatening, or obscene language
  • Threatening, abusive, or disruptive behavior
  • Solicitation of any kind
  • Neglect of personal hygiene so that it is offensive and constitutes a nuisance to others
  • Sleeping or prolonged use of facilities without demonstrated engagement in library activity
  • Failure to wear shirt or shoes
  • Washing clothes or bathing in restrooms
  • Bringing unauthorized animals into the library
  • Abandonment of property
  • Eating or drinking that falls outside acceptable allowances for light snacks and covered beverages
  • The library reserves the right to refuse access to library property and to press applicable charges against anyone who does not comply with the above expectations and who refuses to cooperate with library personnel.  

Surveillance cameras facing each exit of the Library record images of people leaving the building. In the event of an actual or alleged crime in or near the Library, the Library may allow a review of a surveillance camera recording by a duly authorized law enforcement agent upon approval of the County Librarian. The viewing will take place in the presence of the County Librarian or assignee. The custody of the video recording will remain with the Library until requested by court order.


Adopted by the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on November 9, 2022.