List of Learn Resources Starting With 'c'

Resource Type
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y
Find more grants and make a bigger difference. Find the right funders now.
Access this resource in the Library only. 
The detailed information you need to tackle vehicle maintenance and repairs for domestic and foreign automobiles from 1940 to present, including maintenance and specification tables for each specific vehicle, step-by-step service and repair procedures, and diagrams and photographs to help explain system operation.
The World Factbook provides basic intelligence on the history, people, government, economy, energy, geography, communications, transportation, military, terrorism, and transnational issues for 266 world entities.
Available through Libby, access the classical music concerts and music documentaries streamed on-demand to just about any digital device.
Online research tool for local foundations and trusts, corporations, national funders, government agencies and religious organizations that fund and support Colorado non-profit organizations.
This resource is only available in the library.
A service of the Colorado State Library, the Colorado Historic Newspaper Collection includes more than 2.2 million digitized pages, representing more than 600 individual newspaper titles published in Colorado from as early as 1859 all the way to the present day, including 11 local Aspen newspapers dating back to the 1880's and continuing up to 1985.
Free online access through the Colorado Historic Newspaper project to historic newspapers from all 50 U.S. states, as well as Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.  
Full text of the Colorado Revised Statutes & Constitution
Juror information, court forms, court records and much more.
Colorado tax forms, sales tax rates, e-file options and more 
The Colorado Department of Labor's site for job postings and job listings, resume building, PEAK social assistance services, etc. 
Studies have shown that taking time once a year to consider personal financial goals is a “must-do” task in the creation of financial security. The Common Cents for Colorado program gives participants the chance to do just that - reviewing classic, time-tested methods for building a solid financial future.  It’s always a great time for good intentions – bringing some new order and productivity to your financial life.
We also run the program at the library. Stay tuned for program information!
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a U.S. government agency that makes sure banks, lenders, and other financial companies treat you fairly.
Consumer oriented health content, from mainstream to holistic and integrated medicine. Includes evidenced-based full text health reports, full text consumer health periodicals, health reference books, Steadman's Medical Dictionary, drug monographs for U.S. prescription drugs, herbal and nutritional supplements and over-the-counter products, and healthy recipes.
Consumer Protection basics... Plain and simple!

This is a government website that helps you:

Manage and use your money wisely
Use credit and loans carefully
Protect your identity and money

Ratings and reviews of consumer products and services including auto buying guides, electronics, and more.
Available through Libby, Craftsy is an online resource for all creative makers, where you can find everything you need – from basic instruction to advanced techniques. It’s a community of enthusiastic makers, from quilters and sewers, to cake decorators and painters, wanting to create beautiful things and express their creativity.
Obtén acceso a expertos de clase mundial que facilitan el aprendizaje de nuevas habilidades.