Library Board Minutes for June 12, 2024

Meeting Date

MINUTES of the regular meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on June 12, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 12:00 PM in the William R. Dunaway Community Room.


Trustees Present:

  • Pres. John Wilkinson (JW)
  • V.P. Elizabeth Nix (EN)
  • Sec. Anna Lookabill Scott (ALS)
  • Tres. Audrey Ellis (AE)
  • Ashley Connolly (AC)
  • Austine Stitt (AS)
  • Elizabeth Stewart-Severy (ES-S)


  • Chris Keleher (CK) (Via Phone)
  • Heather Kendrick (HK)- Member of public


  • Genevieve Smith (GS), PC Librarian
  • Anna Steinberg, assistant to PC Librarian
  • Kara Silbernagel, Deputy County Manager
  • Paul Wember, SMV LOI Consultant


Moved by Austine Stint 2 nd by Elizabeth Nix

Passed by Board, unanimously


  • None


Trustee Comments-

  • John Wilkinson reported on attending two employee meetings to brief them on what is going on at the National level of the library world from his recent travels to the Capitol.
  • Audrey Ellis commented on how successful the Adult Reading Program was as she was unable to get a log herself- though the library was getting more printed. She also commented on the summer reading program banner on Main Street and Heather Kendrick noted it as well.

Librarian’s Report-

  • Juneteenth Closure on Wednesday
  • Library Programs: French Chat program returning, Library concert series, literature out loud (now quarterly instead of monthly), Library story walk (a seasonal program) and other programs are all in full swing with summer.
  • Library Intern- For HS student started June 17 th and could be carried over into the school year depending on the fit and schedules.
  • Carol McArdell is officially retiring after serving for 45 years. Congrats! Requested to close early on Wednesday July 10 th at 5 pm instead of 7 pm to celebrate.

Moved by Audrey Ellis 2 nd by Elizabeth Nix

Passed by Board, unanimously

  • Petal it forward award- PCL was selected by ACRA as the initial awardee.
  • August Staff Day- will be rescheduled during off-season due to program scheduling during the summer months.
  • Snowmass Village- see old Business


  • SMV LOI- Library Station letter of intent drafted to ensure everyone is on the same page- will be brought forth to TOSV and BOCC… Board discussed budgeting and concerns were brought up about putting caps to expenditures, size, usability, and if expansion is decided by TOSV, then could look at changes. Concerns were noted and added as notes to the letter.

Moved by Austine Stint 2nd by John Wilcox

Passed by Board, 5 yes votes, 1 abstained

  • Accessibility Policy- 2nd Reading -

Moved by Elizabeth Nix, 2nd by Elizabeth Stewart- Severy

Passed by Board, unanimously

NEW BUSINESS (Break @ 1:10 for 5 minutes before proceeding with New Business)

  • Annual Meeting: Officer Nominations/ Elections presented by nomination committee
    • President John Wilcox
    • VP Elizabeth Nix
    • Secretary Anna Lookabill Scott
    • Treasurer Audrey Ellis

All members accepted and Board voted unanimously to accept

  • Request for Reconsideration Policy: 1st Reading

Moved by Audrey Ellis, 2nd by Elizabeth Nix

Passed by Board, unanimously

  • Photography Policy: 1st Reading

Moved by Austine Stitt, 2nd by Elizabeth Stewart-Severy

Passed by Board, unanimously


  • July 10, Aug. 14, Sept. 11, Oct. 9, Nov. 13, Dec. 11


Moved by Audrey Ellis, 2 nd by Elizabeth Nix