Library Board Minutes for May 8, 2024

Meeting Date

MINUTES of the regular meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on May 8 2024. The meeting was called to order at 12:02 PM in the William R. Dunaway Community Room.


Trustees Present:

  • Pres. John Wilkinson (JW) 
  • V.P. Elizabeth Nix (EN) 
  • Sec. Anna Lookabill Scott (ALS) 
  • Ashley Connolly (AC)
  • Audrey Ellis (AE)
  • Austine Stitt (AS)
  • Elizabeth Stewart-Severy (ES-S) 


  • Chris Keleher (CK)
  • Heather Kendrick (HK)- Member of public


  • Genevieve Smith (GS), PC Librarian
  • Anna Steinberg, assistant to PC Librarian
  • Monique Rodrigues, head of Adult Services


Moved by Austine Stitt, 2nd by Audrey Ellis

Passed by Board, unanimously


  • None


Trustee Comments- 

  • John Wilkinson brought up a documentary that is recommended to watch Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Librarian’s Report- 

  • As per requested by the Board, Genevieve updated on the highlights of programming for the Month of May into June including: Community Read in collaboration with Aspen Words; Summer Reading program that is not only for kids, but includes an adult component; My Life: The Last Chapter a four workshop series in partnership with the Pitkin County Senior Center; the Seed Library May 10- June 30; Library Concert Series: Friday May 10th; and a reoccurring program of Book Binding
  • Annual Report 2023 as required by all libraries to produce at the close of each calendar year and sent to the State Library, which PCL submitted April 5th highlighting performance measures showing a steady increase after COVID. It paints a picture of what the library should be focusing its resources on and highlights where changes could be made. 
  • SB 24-216: 2nd attempt to provide protections for public libraries only at the state level- passed  the House and was sent to the Governor.
  • John Wilkinson & Audrey Ellis were reappointed and Chris Keleher was officially appointed as a Board Alternate.


  • 2nd & Final Reading - Collection Development Policy

Moved by Audrey Ellis, 2nd by Ashley Connolly

Passed by Board, unanimously


  • State Accessibility Law: Staff member Monique Rodriguez presented on the new guidelines for the web accessibility rules adopted by the Governor’s Office in February with compliance required for governmental agencies by July 1, 2024. Intention is to advance accessibility of governmental information technology that does not exclude any individual with a disability from public agencies. Monique provided a run down of what the Library is doing to comply for the website (which requires an extensive redesign of the current website at the code level), but also how as a staff, they are taking it to the next step and adopting many new practices within the physical library to address both visible and invisible disabilities to make the Library an inclusive space for all, not just have an alternative option. The first action is to adopt a Web Accessibility Policy and apply the tools and coding to the Library Website, and the next step is already in progress with adapting spaces and programs.
  • Accessibility Policy- First Reading - 

Moved by Austine Stitt, 2nd by Elizabeth Nix

Passed by Board, unanimously

  • Appointment to Nominating Committee & nominations for the Annual Meeting in June

Austine Stitt, Ashley Connolly, and Audrey Ellis were appointed to the committee


  • June 12, July 10 (possibly shifting to 12:30 TBD), Aug. 14, Sept. 11, Oct. 9, Nov. 13, Dec. 11


Moved by Anna L. Scott, 2nd by Elizabeth Stewart-Severy