Library Lab Policy

The Pitkin County Library (Library) Board of Trustees promotes open access to information and encourages the free and respectful expression of all points of view. The Library extends these commitments into the world of making by providing access to a wide variety of equipment and tools in our Library Lab (Lab). Lab maker spaces promote creativity, ingenuity, and entrepreneurship by creating opportunities for individuals to collaborate,  innovate, inspire one another, and generate content. The spaces support lifelong learning and the realization of ideas in a new way through technology and hands-on fabrication. The Lab provides open access to a wide variety of equipment and tools in multiple ways, including guided exploration through classes and programs.  

Library Lab General Guidelines 

  • All Library Policies, including the Library Use Policy and Computer Use Policy, apply to the Library Lab. Some equipment requires training and/or registration. Some tools and machines are available to makers on a first-come, first-served basis, and others are available by reservation. Independent use of tools and equipment during classes or programs is prohibited without prior authorization by staff. 
  • The Library does its best to supply free materials, but some consumable materials are only available on a limited basis. Makers are welcome to bring staff-approved consumable materials to use with Lab equipment and tools, except the 3D printers. Other consumable materials, such as sheets of wood and photo paper, may be available for purchase. Fees for consumable materials are charged to cover the Library’s cost.
  • During Library programs, the Library may provide consumable materials free of charge, as available. Please consult with staff about the availability of consumable materials before planning a project. 
  • At its discretion, Library staff reserves the right to halt, delete, or disallow the use of any tools, equipment, or consumable materials or to halt, delete, or disallow the creation of items that violate any Library policy,  including the creation of weapons, parts for weapons, obscene materials, or illegal items. Staff must approve projects before using 3D printers and the laser cutter to ensure that the proper file format, size, and materials are used. Approval to use the Library Lab does not constitute endorsement by the Pitkin County Library of the uses to which the space is put or the products produced therein. 
  • Patrons must be 13 years or older, participate in mandatory safety and use training, and acknowledge the inherent risk in using certain tools and machinery, such as the 3D Printer and Laser Cutter.
  • Makers may not use these tools until certification training has been completed, as confirmed by Library staff. Users must be punctual for scheduled classes and training. A reservation is subject to cancellation if the user is ten or more minutes late.
  • When using a tool that does not require certification, the patron is certifying that they can use that item safely and properly. Staff is available to explain the operation of tools and equipment as time allows and will make materials (such as manuals) available upon request.
  • Users under the age of 13 must be supervised by a parent, adult guardian (18 or older), or teacher at all times. Exceptions may occur in cases of library staff-led programming developed explicitly for younger patrons.  
  • To use Lab and makerspace equipment or participate in any other activity that requires a signed waiver, patrons must be valid Pitkin County Library cardholders. 
  • Patrons must return tools and supplies to their original locations in a clean state and clean the workspace before departing. Patrons agree to take precautions to prevent avoidable mess or damage in the Lab and minimize material waste. 
  • Only Library computers may be connected to library machinery.  
  • Pitkin County Library upholds the United States copyright law (Title 17, United States Code) and patent law  (Title 35, United States Code). The Library reserves the right to deny access to reproducing equipment,  including Lab equipment, if, in its judgment, the use of such equipment would violate copyright, patent, or other laws.  
  • When machines are out of order, staff will attempt to contact patrons with reservations. This courtesy cannot be guaranteed.
  • Non-alcoholic, covered drinks are welcome in the makerspaces. Food is not permitted.  
  • Failure to follow the Library Lab Use Policy can result in loss of Lab privileges.
  • Users (or, if minors, their parents/guardians) are responsible for any fees incurred for loss or damage to Library Lab property not associated with normal wear and tear that is the result of inappropriate or unauthorized use of tools, equipment, or consumable materials, or for cleaning the tools, equipment, or the space.
  • The patron understands that the Library is not responsible for any manufacturing defects or the quality of workmanship of any tools, materials, or equipment supplied by the Library. The Library is not responsible if a project is destroyed, does not print correctly, or does not work, or for any damage to, or loss or theft of, users’ personal property, including electronic files left on Library computers.  
  • Patrons with fines over $5 may continue using the free Lab resources but cannot incur additional costs.  

Safety Guidelines 

  • The Library provides patrons with access to safety gear in the Lab. Safety is a priority. Some tools require specific safety gear, as described in certification training.
  • All safety gear must be worn as required.
  • Please secure long hair and any dangling items, like jewelry, before using machinery in the Lab.
  • Closed-toe shoes must be worn when operating machinery.  
  • Patrons should report any tool or piece of equipment that is unsafe or in a state of disrepair. The patron must immediately discontinue the use of the tool or equipment and notify Library staff.
  • Patrons should report any accidents or incidents to staff and any unsafe behavior.

Tool and Material Donation Guidelines 

  • Donations are greatly appreciated. The Library accepts new or gently used tools in clean and good working condition and consumable materials relevant to the programs being offered in the space. 
  • Any donations should be discussed with staff in advance.  
  • The Library has limited space, and staff reserves the right to decline donations and remove those that do not support Lab activities.
  • As requested, staff will provide a letter of receipt that donors may fill out for tax purposes. Staff are not qualified to determine the value of any donation; it is up to the donor to assign a value for tax purposes. 

This policy was last reviewed on September 11, 2024, by the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees.