Holiday hours for all Pitkin County buildings incuding the Library:
A book club centered around fantasy readers! Join us seasonally on Wednesday's at 5:30pm to discuss fantasy literature with like-minded book lovers. Sign up today to receive your free book! For questions, email
Members Present:
John Wilkinson, President
Audrey Ellis, Treasurer
Austine Stitt
Elizabeth Stewart-Severy
Chris Keleher
Staff Present:
Genevieve Smith, Director
Anna Steinberg, Staff liaison
2:30: The Meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order
2:35: Public Comment, no members of the public were present
2:40: Old Business
MINUTES of the regular meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on October 9, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 12:00 PM in the William R. Dunaway Community Room.
Trustees Present:
Pres. John Wilkinson (JW)
V.P. Elizabeth Nix (EN)
Sec. Anna Lookabill Scott (ALS)
Tres. Audrey Ellis (AE)
Ashley Connolly (AC) via phone
Austine Stitt (AS)
Elizabeth Stewart-Severy (ES-S)
Chris Keleher (CK)
Heather Kendrick (HK)- Member of the public
MINUTES of the regular meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on September 11, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 12:04 PM in the William R. Dunaway Community Room.
Trustees Present:
Pres. John Wilkinson (JW)
V.P. Elizabeth Nix (EN)
Sec. Anna Lookabill Scott (ALS)
Tres. Audrey Ellis (AE)
Ashley Connolly (AC) via phone
Austine Stitt (AS)
Elizabeth Stewart-Severy (ES-S)
Chris Keleher (CK) – voting member
Heather Kendrick (HK)- Member of public