The Art of Melting Conflict in All Relationships

Event Date and Time

Lee Shapiro will present his program "The Art of Melting Conflict in all Relationships". This presentation will focus on how to resolve conflict and get what we truly want in all relationships-family, work, marriage, and friendships. 

This seminar offers participants valuable tools on how to use conflict as a vehicle for greater awareness, healing and learning how to most effectively get what we really want. It focuses on skills for learning to be with our feelings in a truly respectful and loving way and cultivating our ability to listen in a deeper way to our selves, to others and to our inner knowing. This awareness is fundamental to creating joy and satisfaction in all relationships: family, friends, work, and romance.

Lee Shapiro is a relationship counselor who has been offering relationship workshops and private couples counseling for 40 years.

Event Contact

Michael Faas
