Library Lab Workspaces

The Library Lab has a number of computers and spaces for patrons to use in-person at the Library.

3D Printer

Come in a design a 3D print on our 3D printer computer. Then print your 3D print on the Mini Lulzbot next to the 3D printer computer.

To use the computer you must have a library card and have gone through one of our 3D printer trainings. Sign up for a 3D printer training.

Digital Arts and Media

We have three designated digital arts and media computers. One computer is attached to a scanner and drawing tablet. A second computer is attached to our photo printer. Prints are $1 for 4X6in photo paper and $2.50 for 8X10in photo paper.

All three computers have photoshop installed and access to the internet.

To access the digital arts and media computers you must have a library card and ask the front desk to login.

Library Lab Classroom

Girls Who Code, Library Lab events, workshops, and more are held in the Library Lab classroom. This classroom is not available for individuals to work in. It is for Library programs only.

Sewing Machines

The Library Lab has two sewing machine available to use at the library. We also provide donated scraps of fabric, thread, rulers, buttons, and hand sewing needles. These sewing machines are first-come, first-serve.

If you would like to reserve a sewing machine, check out our sewing machines available for home use!

Sound Booth

The sound booth is a room where individuals can record themselves and experiment with music. The sound booth includes two guitars, a keyboard, microphones, a mini sound mixer, headphones, and a computer. To use this room you need a library card and a login from the front desk.

This room is not a meeting room. There a three rooms available for meeting, studying, and working in. Reserve a meeting room.