Library Board Minutes for June 14, 2023

Meeting Date

Next Meeting: July 12, 2023 Noon

William R. Dunaway Community Room

MINUTES of the regular meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on June 14, 2023. The meeting was called to order at 12:07 PM.

ROLL CALL: Trustees present: John Wilkinson, Ashley Connolly, Barbara Reid, Anna Scott. Staff: Genevieve Smith


TRUSTEE COMMENTS: Barbara Reid mentioned how pleased she is with all of the art the library has displayed and the quality of art the library has. Board agreed with the sentiment. Anna Scott shared the process to go through if you “find” art and don’t know exactly where it came from. Also discussed asking Fonda to keep art permanently.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Anna Scott moved to approve the meeting minutes of June 14, 2023. Barbara Reid seconded the motion which passed unanimously.


Reviewed data from old visits. The Library is still trying to regain the momentum it had before Covid hit Spring 2020. Of note, 2022 marks the first year electronic circulation passed physical circulation. Through new programming efforts, the Library hopes to bring back daily visits and program

attendance to pre-pandemic levels.

Staff safety: APD’s two Human Services Officers and two co-responders are visiting the Library regularly to help support staff with patrons in crisis.

Snowmass Village Project update: The preliminary design is finished. Jodi Smith, Dave Detweler and the F&M team will be joining us at the July 12 meeting to update the board with further details.


Exterior sign on the east side of the building will be mounted soon. Outdoor tables and umbrellas ordered.

3rd reading of 6.3.2. Use of the Library by Minors. Anna Scott motioned to approve. Barbara Reid seconded and it passed unanimously.


Nominating committee: Austine Stitt, Ashley Connolly and Elizabeth Nix met as the nominating committee and proposed the following slate of officers: President: John Wilkinson, Vice President: Elizabeth Nix, Secretary: Anna Scott, Treasurer: Barbara Reid. Ashley Connolly motioned to

approve the slate. Barbara Reid seconded and it passed unanimously.


Anna Scott motioned to adjourn. Barbara Reid seconded and the meeting was adjourned at 1:15 PM.

FUTURE MEETING DATES: July 12, August 9, September 6, October 11


Ashley Connolly
