Library Board Minutes for January 11, 2023

Meeting Date

Next Meeting: February 8, 2023


William R. Dunaway Community Meeting Room

MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on January 11, 2023, as amended at the February 8th meeting.

ROLL CALL: Trustees present: John Wilkinson, Barbara Reid, Austine Stitt, Elizabeth Nix, and Elizabeth Stewart-Severy. Ashley Connolly and Barbara Smith were not in attendance. Alternate trustees Anna Scott and Audrey Ellis became voting trustees in their place. County Librarian

Kathy Chandler attended as did David Detwiler.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Anna Scott moved that the Minutes be approved as submitted. Audrey Ellis seconded the motion which carried unanimously.

PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment.

TRUSTEE COMMENTS: President John Wilkinson plans to attend the ALA meeting in Washington, D.C. March 7-8, 2023. John has faithfully attended these meetings annually for about 20 years.

LIBRARIAN’S REPORT: Kathy explained how her job evaluations were done on an annual, not quarterly, basis. John Wilkinson asked each Trustee for a one-word description of Kathy at her job. Here’s what the Trustees offered: efficient, knowledgeable, busy, wise, remarkable, long-term memory.

She broke the news that Marmot will soon require 2-step authentication for library patrons.

Long-time volunteer Pat Carey bequeathed $31,500 to the Library.

The Friends of the Library has had its best year yet.


Succession Planning: Elizabeth Nix gave a report on the progress of the hiring committee for a new Library Director. The committee considered a candidate from Basalt and another from Texas, as well as current Assistant Library Director Genevieve Smith. Subsequently, the Basalt candidate accepted a position elsewhere. The Texas candidate withdrew his application. The committee, consisting of John Wilkinson, Barbara Reid and Elizabeth Nix, had a Zoom interview with Genevieve Smith. The topics covered included Genevieve’s ties to the community, her leadership style, and her various roles during her 12 years at the Library. The committee commented on Genevieve’s positive attitude as well as how she handles conflict. On motion of John Wilkinson, seconded by Anna Scott, the Board accepts the recommendation of the hiring committee and will ask Melissa Knight, Pitkin County Human Resources Director, to offer the position of Library Director to Genevieve Smith, as of February 26. This action is subject to final approval of County Manager Jon Peacock, who will notify the Pitkin County Commissioners.

Retirements: Kathy is looking at mid-March for her long-anticipated retirement to commence. The Board has asked Kathy to stay on at least part-time in a capacity to be determined to deal with organizing Library materials. Kathy informed the Board that it is likely that Carol McArdell will be retiring this year as well. The Board discussed a going-away reception for Library employees and Trustees who are moving away.

Snowmass Village Library Station: Elizabeth Stewart-Severy recused herself from the discussion about a Snowmass Village library station and was gone for the remainder of the meeting. David Detwiler joined the meeting to brief the Board on progress of the Snowmass Village Library Station at the Snowmass Rec Center. David is willing to work as an owner’s rep for the Library.

The next steps:

• Draft RFP for schematic design and develop cost estimates and budgets for further discussion with Snowmass Village, Pitkin County and Pitkin County Library.

• Possible 2023 timeline - optimistic goal would be committing to 1) Schematic Design, 2) Budget, 3) Budget Requests.

• Very ambitious goals/timeline is late Fall 2023 accomplishing various entities’ support for planning and funding in 2024. Spring construction in 2024 is more realistic as it is a complex process of consultation, design and securing funding resources which will take some time.

• Capital project funding comes from Pitkin County Library, cost sharing with Snowmass Village and Pitkin County would be a discussion moving forward as shared community benefits are explored.

Library Board will form a subcommittee for SVLS to move forward.

Future Meeting Schedule 2023

March 8

April 12

May 10

June 14

A joint-venture respectfully submitted by

Austine Stitt

Audrey Ellis