Library Board Minutes for March 20, 2024

Meeting Date

MINUTES of the regular meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on March 13, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 12:01 PM in the William R. Dunaway Community Room. 


Trustees Present:

  • Pres. John Wilkinson (JW) 
  • Tres. Barbara Reid (BR)
  • Sec. Anna Lookabill Scott (ALS) 
  • Ashley Connolly (AC)
  • Elizabeth Stewart-Severy (ES-S) 


  • Audrey Ellis (AE) Voting Member


  • Genevieve Smith (GS), PC Librarian
  • Anna Steinberg, assistant to PC Librarian


Moved by Elizabeth Stewart-Severy 2nd by Ashley Connolly 

Passed by Board


  • Emailed comment sent to the Board from Brian Gordon about getting a library card remotely. Current Library policy is that anyone can obtain a library card in person to verify ID but can be renewed remotely. Local services are available for ID verification for ADA accommodation.


Trustee Comments- 

  • John Wilkinson reported on his visit to Capitol Hill in DC for two days. 46 state librarians met with Mycal the Librarian from TikTok and were there to discuss the reauthorization for funding. It was an experience seeing Democracy in Action at the Capitol.
  • Barbara Reid stated her choice to not renew her seat on the board and that she loved the time on the board but felt it was in good hands as she passed her baton. We will all miss her wisdom and presence at the board meetings! 

Librarian’s Report- 

  • Genevieve reported on the BOCC meeting from February 27th about the electrification process. It is recommended for all board members to watch the full meeting, however, she walked the board through the slides showing the options, statistics, and recommendations by the consultant Peter Ramsey. It is still in the hands of the BOCC and the board will be updated when a decision has been made.
  • Library Cinema is now free to Friends of the Library contributors but remains open to the public as always.
  • Genevieve reported on the recent staff training success and things they learned, and while the next is in August, they have decided to cancel the additional training day in September because of events going on at the library that conflict with the date.
  • Exterior security footage was subpoenaed recently abiding by the Library’s Policy and the Library worked with the Pitkin County Sheriff’s to provide the materials. 
  • State Reconsideration Bill, SB-24-049 was killed in committee
  • Open Trustee and Renewals have been submitted to the BOCC. Those renewing include John Wilkinson and since Barbara Reid has resigned, first alternate Audrey Ellis is anticipated to take over her place on the Board (congrats) and applications were accepted until March 15th for the remainder of her alternate position which expires in 2026.
  • Aspen Times reported on a Gaza event held at the Library but not sponsored by PCL- It was not made clear in the article as per the requirements of the use of the room (Library Policy). An Aspen Daily News article did correctly indicate the separation. 


  • Final Reading - Separation of Bylaws & Policies
    • Moved by Barbara Reid 2nd by Audrey Ellis  
    • Passed by Board
  • 2nd Reading & Final Reading - Public Comment Policy
    • Moved by Barbara Reid 2nd by Elizabeth Stewart- Severy
    • Passed by Board


  • Policies in consideration for deletion- First Reading
    • Moved by Barbar Reid 2nd by Audrey Ellis  
    • Passed by Board
  • Collection Development Policy- First Reading Tabled – Please read prior to next board meeting.


  • April 3, 2024 (Approved), May 8, 2024, June 12, 2024


Moved by  Anna Scott 2nd by Audrey Ellis