
Searchable, full text digital coverage of the New York Times from 1980 to present.  Includes the New York Times Book Review and Sunday Magazine in PDF format.
Free access to the New York Times Cooking. Access for up to 24 hours. 
To activate your subscription, you’ll need to log in or register first.
Free access to the New York Times Games. Access for up to 24 hours.
To activate your subscription, you’ll need to log in or register first.
Free access to the New York Times, including Cooking and Games apps. Access from outside the library is available for up to 72 hours. Click on the link below. First time users must create a username and password before logging in.  
Access from outside the Library
Access from within the Library
This searchable resource contains comprehensive full text articles from over 1,000 major newspapers.  Also included are more than one million TV & radio news transcripts from top sources such as  NPR, ABC News, CNN International, PBS, and many more.
Recommended fiction and non-fiction for all ages: kids through adults.  Includes read alike lists, book discussion guides, reviews, author bibliographies and much more.
OverDrive provides the Pitkin County Library with a full range of contemporary and classic downloadable eBooks, eAudiobooks, and digital magazines.
Spanish language OverDrive eBooks & eAudio collections.
Previously found on RBDigital, Overdrive provides free access to thousands of digital magazines free with your library card!
A full-text, searchable archive of People Magazine.