Books & Authors

Find book recommendations, read-alikes, reviews, and discussion questions for a wide range of current children's and young adult books.
Recommended fiction and non-fiction for all ages: kids through adults.  Includes read alike lists, book discussion guides, reviews, author bibliographies and much more.
OverDrive provides the Pitkin County Library with a full range of contemporary and classic downloadable eBooks, eAudiobooks, and digital magazines.
OverDrive provides a full range of children's contemporary and classic downloadable eBooks and eAudiobooks.
OverDrive provides a full range of Young Adult contemporary and classic downloadable eBooks and audiobooks. 
Poetry & Short Story Reference Source is a rich full-text database containing thousands of classic and contemporary poems, short stories, biographies, essays, lesson plans and learning guides. It also includes high-quality videos and audio recordings from the Academy of American Poets.
Full text poems, audio recordings, and information about poets.
TumbleBooks library is an online collection of animated talking picture books which teach young children the joys of reading in a format they'll love.  Stories also available in Spanish and French.
Search 4,000+ books, audiobooks, and films from YALSA's book awards and book lists.