Adult Summer Reading

Welcome to Adult Summer Reading 2024! This year's theme is "Adventure Begins at Your Library" and we hope to encourage you to try new genres, new activities, or simply get out in nature. This adult summer reading program will include outdoor walks, crafting events, and at-home reading challenges. Sign up for Adult Summer Reading 2024 and pick up a booklet with instructions, reading logs, bingos, and coloring pages.

Sign up for Adult Summer Reading 2024.


Receive small prizes and raffle tickets by reading, attending events, and/or winning at Bingo. Ask a Librarian to stamp your Reading Log and Bingo sheets to receive raffle tickets and the small prizes. Bingo sheets and Reading Log are located in the Adult Summer Reading Booklet, available at the Summer Reading Kickoff Party or at the Library main desk after June 7.

  • Read
    • One book = one raffle ticket.
    • One book = one small prize.
    • Books, ebooks, audiobooks, and graphic novels all count towards the Summer Reading Program.
  • Attend Events
    • One event = one raffle ticket.
    • Summer Reading Program events, Community Read events, and any other Pitkin County Library event that takes place between June 7 and August 16 can qualify you for a raffle ticket. 
  • Bingo
    • One row in Bingo = one raffle ticket.
    • You can complete more than one Bingo on a Bingo sheet.
    • You can categorize books and events under multiple squares.
    • Bingo sheets are on pages 9 and 10 of the Adult Summer Reading Booklet.


The Summer Reading Program includes small prizes and the chance to win gift cards and other large prizes through a raffle.

  • Small Prizes
    • Have a Librarian stamp your Reading Log to receive a small prize.
    • Choose one small prize for each book read. Either:
      • One pin, one sticker, one mini chocolate, or one tea packet.
  • Raffle Prizes
    • Raffle prizes include gift cards for businesses in Aspen and the Roaring Fork Valley, a Kindle, and a journal.
    • Raffle prize winners will be drawn on Friday, August 16th, during the final Summer Reading Program event.
    • We cannot mail prizes, so make sure that you can pick up the prize within ONE week. If we do not hear from you within one week, we will draw again.

Adult Summer Reading Events

Lunchtime Walk and Book Talk

Friday, July 12 | 12:00pm-1:00pm

Join us during lunch for a walk along the Rio Grande or other nearby trails. The walk will take about 30 to 45 minutes. During the walk you are welcome to discuss your current read or ask for recommendations. Refreshments will be provided (snacks and water, not lunch). Meet in the Hotpicks Meeting Room at the Pitkin County Library.

After Work Walk and Book Talk

Friday, June 28 | 5:00pm-6:00pm

Friday, July 26 | 5:00pm-6:00pm

Join us after work for a walk along the Rio Grande or other nearby trails. The walk will take about 30 to 45 minutes. During the walk you are welcome to discuss your current read or ask for recommendations. Refreshments will be provided (snacks and water, not dinner). Meet in the Hotpicks Meeting Room at the Pitkin County Library.

Cloth Button & Magnet Making

Friday, July 5 | 4:00pm-5:30pm

Make cloth buttons or round cloth magnets in our Library Lab with our new button maker!

Laser Cutter Training

Friday, July 19 

Sign up and learn how to use our Library Lab's new Laser Cutter! The Laser Cutter training is about 60 minutes long. There will be multiple training times available to sign up throughout the day starting at 10:00am. We can only train up to four people at a time.

Sign up for Laser Cutter Training.

Make Your Own Tea Bags

Friday, August 2 | 4:00pm-5:30pm

Join us in the Library Lab and make your own tea bags! The Library will provide all the materials, including a selection of loose-leaf teas that can be mixed and matched to your liking.

Adult Summer Reading Closing Party

Friday, August 16 | 5:00pm-6:00pm

Join us for the final Adult Summer Reading event! We will discuss your favorite book(s) that you read over the summer while enjoying food and refreshments. You are welcome to bring your own preferred beverages. During this event, we will draw raffle prizes. You will have the chance to win a Kindle Paperwhite, a journal, and gift cards to local stores and cafes.

Additional Library Events

For other Library events, view our Library event listings.

Remember, any event that you attend between June 7 and August 16, including the Community Read events and Music at the Library events will count towards the Adult Summer Reading Program. You can earn one raffle ticket for each of the events you attend.

Contact for all events and Adult Summer Reading questions:

Monique Rodriguez,, 970-429-1932

Noelle Edwards,, 970-429-1931