Library Board Minutes for May 10, 2023

Meeting Date

Next Meeting: June 14, 2023


William R. Dunaway Community Room

MINUTES of the regular meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on May 10, 2023.

The meeting was called to order at 12:07 PM.

ROLL CALL: Trustees present: John Wilkinson, Ashley Connolly, Elizabeth Nix, Barbara Reid, Audrey Ellis, Anna Scott, Barbara Smith, Austine Stitt, Elizabeth Stewart-Severy.

Staff: Genevieve Smith and Audrey Bohman.


TRUSTEE COMMENTS: Ashley Connolly applauded the library for all of the extensive programming they offer and the informative emails. Board agreed with a job well done by staff.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Austine Stitt moved to approve the meeting minutes of April 12, 2023. Anna Scott seconded the motion which passed unanimously.


The Senior Center is being remodeled so the library is going to try to host as many of their summer programming events as feasible.

The Library staff is gearing up for a busy summer with this year’s theme “All Together Now.” Thesummer kick-off party is Thursday, June 8th.

Genevieve received recommendation from County admin staff to separate library bylaws from policy manual so she will move forward with implementation.


Snowmass Village project update: Project continues to move forward. Focus is only on library space; not on joint rec center space. Reviewed floor Plan Concept 1. Plan is for 5,000 square feet.


Employee picnic June 29th so the Library will be closed from 11-2. Board approved of this closure.

2nd reading of the bylaws. Bylaws approved with slight caveat that we will fix a minor typo and switch the word book to materials. Audrey Ellis motioned to approve. Austine seconded and the motion passed unanimously. May 10th is the official new adoption day.

2nd reading of section 6.3.2. Use of Library by Minors. Reviewed paragraph by paragraph. Tabled the approval of the 2nd reading to a future meeting.

Nominating committee: Austine Stitt, Ashley Connolly and Audrey Nix were appointed as the nominating committee. They will meet to make nominations after the meeting.


Barbara Scott motioned to dismiss the meeting at 1:04 pm, Audrey Ellis seconded the motion, all in


FUTURE MEETING DATES: June 14, July 12, August 9, September 13, October 11


Ashley Connolly
