Library Board Minutes for November 8, 2023

Meeting Date

MINUTES of the regular meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on November 8, 2023. The meeting was called to order at 12:04 PM in the William R. Dunaway Community Room.

Next meeting: Wednesday, December 13 - 12:00pm (Noon)


Trustees Present:

✔ Pres. John Wilkinson (JW)

✔ V.P. Elizabeth Nix (EN)

□ Tres. Barbara Reid (BR)

✔ Sec. Anna Lookabill Scott (ALS)

✔ Ashley Connolly (AC)

✔ Austine Stitt (AS)

✔ Elizabeth Stewart-Severy (ES-S)


✔ Audrey Ellis (AE) Voting Member

□ Heather Kendrick (HK)


✔ Genevieve Smith (GS), PC Librarian

✔ Anna Steinberg, assistant to PC Librarian

✔ Michael Port, PC Staff

✔ Kara Silbernagel, Deputy County Manager


Moved by Austine Stitt, 2nd by Ashley Connolly

Passed by Board


● Leslie Desmond from Snowmass Village attended the meeting and spoke that she wants to see what the board does and would like to have a library in Snowmass Village.


Trustee Comments-

● Anna Scott thanked the library for the growing teen book club program as her daughter and friends have become active in the programming.

● John Wilkinson circled back to the non-working public payphone in the front entrance area. He thinks it is quite cool and would like to see it stay there as a relic from the past. Genevieve says staff and cleaning personnel are able to keep it clean and at this time it does not cause any problems.

● John also quoted a study by Carnegie about the increased in popularity of books once they get on a banned book list.

Librarian’s Report-

● Genevieve reviewed the proposed amendment to the bylaws as recommended by the County Lawyer to protect a patron’s right to anonymity - she will bring a first reading of the new language to next board meeting.

● Reminded all board members of their terms and when they need to re-apply to be on the board.

● Thanked and reported to the board about the recent staff day opportunity which closed the library for one day. Staff got important training and the chance to see a local exhibit- John wondered if an invitation could be extended to board members in the future for things like the exhibit tour.

● Heather Kendrick’s alternate position is on a temporary hold while she figures out new housing that unexpectedly took her out of Pitkin County.


● Privacy Law Update- Addressed in Librarian’s report and will be brought forth to board at next meeting.

● Boiler Update- Michael Port & Kara Silbernagal presented good news to the board about the full funding of $3 million grant request from the State Dept. of Local Affairs to fund the retro-fitting of new electric boilers for two County buildings that includes the Pitkin County Library. In addition, the Pitkin County Commissioners and County staff have decided to extend additional funding to the Library to cover the County’s match for the boilers. A PC Commissioner work session this month will address the need of a back-up system as well for the library. With this additional funding, the County asks the Library to reconsider their decision to table the Snowmass Village Library and look at alternative options that meet the Library’s fiscal responsibility to it’s current building with also providing a central location and services in SV. John Wilkinson will work with Genevieve to send a thank you letter on behalf of the board and Library to the state and county for the funding.

● Galena Park Plaza- Genevieve and John received a response from the City of Aspen about waiving fees for the events held in Galena Plaza. Genevieve is sharing the email chain and info with Kara and will work on a response.

● Staff Shortage tabled- Will be providing additional staff data at a later meeting.


● No New Business


● December 13, 2023; January 10, 2024; February 14, 2024; March 13, 2024; April 10, 2024


Moved by Anna Scott, 2nd by Austine Stitt