Library Board Minutes for December 13, 2023

Meeting Date

MINUTES of the regular meeting of the Pitkin County Library Board of Trustees on December 13, 2023. The meeting was called to order at 12:05 PM in the William R. Dunaway Community Room. 


Trustees Present: 

Pres. John Wilkinson (JW) 

V.P. Elizabeth Nix (EN) 

Tres. Barbara Reid (BR) 

Sec. Anna Lookabill Scott (ALS) 

Ashley Connolly (AC) 

Austine Stitt (AS) 

Elizabeth Stewart-Severy (ES-S) 


Audrey Ellis (AE) Voting Member 

Heather Kendrick (HK)- Member of the public 


Genevieve Smith (GS), PC Librarian 

Anna Steinberg, assistant to PC Librarian 


Moved by Ashley Connolly, 2nd by Elizabeth Stewart-Severy 

Passed by Board 




Trustee Comments- 

  • Elizabeth Nix inquired seasoned board members for a recap of how the board has worked in the past, specifically keen on understanding how the most recent remodel and fundraising was organized. Also wants to have board set goals for 2024 and learn how we can develop “norms” for moving forward. Genevieve agreed that it was a good idea to bring newer board members up to speed about the past 5-10 years and to set goals. Will follow through in the new year. John Wilkinson agreed it would be good to share a timeline of board members.
  • John Wilkinson reported that he has an upcoming meeting to do an annual performance review for Genevieve with comments/insights from board members, and a more formal one will be conducted in 2024 when Pitkin County releases its formal review procedures. 
  • JW also reminded/ informed all board members about open meeting laws. Librarian’s Report- 
  • REMP Funds- The BOCC approved full funding to supplement the additional funds required for the electrification of the Library. Thank you letters signed by the board will be sent to the BOCC and the state funding agency. 
  • Collection Changes- All adult & teen Graphic Novels will be moved upstairs based on format to be consistent with how all collections are organized. New Non-fiction moved to underneath the Hot Picks section to help accommodate the expanding DVD collection and large print books were moved to the periodicals area. These changes allow for opening up seating and a more uniform arrangement of collections. 
  • Staff Development Plans 2024- The Library has made staff training and development more equitable and accessible for all full-time staff to participate. 
  • Emergency Closures- Genevieve shared the staff phone tree that gets initiated if and when an emergency closure should occur- these closures are called by the County for staff and public safety reasons. 


  • Boiler Update/ Electrification- The new boilers will be initiated in 2024. With the funding provided by the BOCC, those funds that were earmarked for the boilers from the reserve funds will now be available for use in reconsideration of a larger presence in Snowmass. In January, Genevieve will be meeting again with Snowmass Village to discuss options and expectations. Elizabeth Stewart-Severy also would like the board to look into possible eco-friendly funding when making decisions on the future construction. 
  • Updated 2024 Budget- the approved budget was modified to reflect the income from the grant and BOCC funds awarded. 


  • First Reading of Bylaw 4.6.1, Controversial Issues 

Moved by Ashley Connolly, 2nd by Elizabeth Nix

Passed by Board 

  • First Reading Bylaw 9.2, Holidays 

Moved by Anna Scott, 2nd by Ashley Connolly 

Passed by Board 


  • A survey conducted by the County every other year and the completed survey was just released. Results were very positive for the Library with only a few items of consideration at the county level- specifically on how people are held accountable (since it is done in private it may not be general knowledge if an employee was held accountable). Genevieve is taking a proactive stance on any staff concerns that need to be addressed. 


  • January 10, 2024; February 14, 2024; March 13, 2024; April 10, 2024 


Moved by Audrey Ellis, 2nd by Ashley Connolly